CopyRight for VB Planes:
These Aircraft are made by VB Planes for CFS2 and FS2000 only and are not to be modifyed without permission of the Author's of said Aircraft.
You may use them as you wish but are not to be hosted on any site on the web with the VB name in them, if you wish to host them anywhere you MUST change the name so if theres any problems installing them etc it's not our problem and is up to you to help the people affected not us.
They are made to be free to people who want them and no money must be made from them or any part of them, if you wish to repaint them in your own colors you may do so as long as you give us credit for the model of it, and if you upload them anywhere rename them so we dont have to answer thing's know nothing about ( any changes that are made).

The use of these planes is at your own risk and we take no responsiblity for any damage you think they may have caused, they have all been tested in CFS2 and FS2000 and have caused no problems on our computers .

Any comments or problems we will indeavour to answer if we can.

Graham Model Builder
Brendan Paint shop
Michael Panel's and data
our web site


Thanks to Marven Carter for the sounds files , we dont know where they came from so cant say who made them. they suite the 262 pritty well.